What is silo working, and why is it a challenge?


In a nutshell, silo working is where different departments, teams, or units within an organisation operate in isolation from one another. In a siloed environment, each team focuses on its own tasks and goals with little communication or collaboration with other teams.

So, what kind of challenges can arise from silo working?

  • Lack of communication between teams
  • Inefficiencies
  • Working towards different goals or objectives
  • Limited innovation and collaboration
  • Lack of relationships between teams
  • Minimal trust between colleagues
  • Micro cultures

Doesn’t sound great, does it? So why is it such a common challenge in organisations?

There are many reasons teams/organisations can slip into this kind of behaviour, and there isn’t a quick fix for it (is there ever when dealing with humans?).

We know that high performing organisations have cultures that value just that. They have employees who are motivated, engaged and committed to the organisation’s success, and they communicate well.

OK so how do you start to make the shift away from silo working?

My first thought is a cheeky maxim from Myron Rogers: The process you use to get to the future is the future you get

Sustainable change happens when we invest in understanding and treating the root cause of the problem, rather than just treating the presenting symptoms – papering over the cracks, if you will. Work with teams to begin to shift mindsets, build relationships and get into conversation with one another. Encourage open communication, build trust and respect so that individuals feel valued, and build shared goals together.

After all, people own what they help create…

Need help but don’t know where to start? Our team LOVE hearing about what’s happening in organisations so would be more than happy to have a no-strings-attached call. Just get in touch!