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Katie Wood


Katie always has time to listen and understand my requirements. She is very open and honest; you know exactly where you stand with her which makes working with her so easy.
Katie has a wicked sense of humour and has the ability to take everyone on the journey with her, ensuring the quality of work is maintained even under very tight deadlines. What I am trying to say is Katie is GREAT!

- Tina Goodhart, Goodhart HR Services

Firefighter, co-responder, dog rescuer, musician; at any given time, Katie has more plates spinning than an average circus performer! And yet, she still finds the time to provide insight, understanding and support to Farleigh Performance. She brings significant sales and marketing experience to every meeting, call and project she attends, while her high energy levels provide a natural buzz. When presented with an issue, Katie will consider the solution from a range of perspectives, and rarely will she make a decision without robust rationale.