PODCAST: Sammy Burt on Joy, Authenticity & Open Dialogue

Podcasts Viewpoints

Sammy joins Merry brown on their Conflict Managed Podcast.

Listen here:

Link to episode: https://conflictmanaged.podbean.com/e/finding-joy-and-authenticity-in-the-workplace-a-conversation-with-sammy-burke/
Apple Podcast Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-133-hard-skills-vs-really-hard-skills-aka-soft-skills/id1623825653?i=1000677468729
Spotify Podcast Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2nQeJewandOgiUCivaChUa
Amazon Podcast Link: https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/43c78ada-f36e-44fd-a3b3-165f8cb65b54/episodes/12c8f26a-1916-4656-9797-d05bd09f62c2/conflict-managed-ep-133-hard-skills-vs-really-hard-skills-aka-%E2%80%9Csoft-skills%E2%80%9D

This week on Conflict Managed Merry welcomed Sammy Burt. Join them as they discuss:

🏁Joy (vs. happiness) at work breeds resilience and emotional stability

🏁Representing the colleague or client who isn’t present

🏁What does it really me to “be yourself” at work?

🏁Moving from conflict to dialogue

🏁Noticing and addressing seemingly small but significant issues

Conflict Managed is available wherever you listen to podcasts and to watch on YouTube @ 3pconflictrestoration.

Conflict Managed is produced by Third Party Workplace Conflict Restoration Services and hosted by Merry Brown.

Want to discuss some of the topics covered with Sammy directly? Get in touch! sammyburt@farleighperformance.com