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Sammy Burt

T: 07850268509

Sammy helped us to inject pace and focus at a time when we didn’t have the mental capacity to move the business forward.

Working with Sammy felt incredibly safe and reassuring.

- Dave Kelly CEO, Storm Consultancy

Why not? If ever there was a mantra to describe Sammy's attitude, this would be it. That's not to say she is flippant in her decisions or recommendations, but is always up for trying something new. Sammy possesses focus and a drive that positively impacts the people around her. Her experience in brand, communications, project management, and movement into organisational development or ‘culture’ has gifted Farleigh Performance with a rare blend of big picture commercial thinking, keen insight and a strong sense of purpose. Sammy brings honesty and knowledge to each and every client conversation that quickly puts the room at ease.

Today's biggest challenges discussed

Insights from Sammy

I am forever learning and relearning about myself, the world around me and the way in which I am in it. I consciously and constantly share what I learn (and what trips me up) in the hope that someone else can benefit from my learnings or, perhaps, doesn't feel quite so alone in their own journey.