Since Peter Drucker asserted that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’ it has become a major focus for performance improvement. Culture is a slippery thing though. The legacy of the past shapes all we do, while today’s behaviours, systems and beliefs become the foundation for tomorrow’s culture. It provides continuity and change simultaneously.
We see changes in culture in all the work that we do – it is where our lasting impact often emerges. Defining purpose with Devro, has shown up as more employee participation, while for Ibstock a more empowered leadership group is bringing the same culture to the whole organisation. Silo working in Aston Manor has been replaced by new relationships and a collaborative culture.
We help by:
- Applying a culture lens to all our projects
- Developing programmes to accelerate cultural change
- Supporting cultural initiatives tackling specific outcomes:
- Inclusion
- Engagement
- Innovation
- Empowerment
“There have been some profound realisations within the business. The biggest impact is us regaining control of ourselves and how we work, without constantly pinning things on external factors.”
– leader, aston manor
“It has opened my eyes into people’s personalities. We talk better, we understand each other better. It has brought us closer together.”
– leader, aston manor

It gave them a really different idea of leadership – to bring people with them rather than a top-down approach…It gave them a confidence with their teams…Many said they had developed knowledge and skills that they will take into their future careers.
– Ruth Burchell, the Dyson Institute