Graham Abbey
T: +44 (0) 7733015265

Leadership is one of those spaces where you sometimes need somebody to say it's all going to be alright and hold the sort of difficulty that you find yourself in. Graham does that brilliantly.
- Alex Stacey, Deputy Director, People Department, UK Sport
Graham originally trained as an aeronautical engineer. Motivated by a fascination for understanding how things work, this soon transferred from the study of all things mechanical to all things human. His love of learning has led him to expand his expertise to include a Phd in organisational change, an MBA, and a psychology degree. Over his 30-year career he has held Executive positions in HR, been one of the first Chief Purpose Officers, led consultancy practices, set-up a University Executive Education department and is now CEO of Farleigh Performance. This breadth of experience enables Graham to encourage others to consider approaching issues from multiple angles. His ability to highlight advantages and disadvantages to a solution unearths perspectives that may have been previously unseen and inspires flexibility of thought in others - supporting the development of people as leaders within their own teams and wider organisations.
Today's biggest challenges discussed
Insights from Graham
We like to share what we think will be most interesting or useful to you – be that the models we base some of our work around, experiences we’ve had with clients or one another, or influencers we use to develop our thinking.